Understanding Female Genital Cutting in Australia

As an obstetrician and gynaecologist, I've witnessed firsthand the complexities and challenges associated with female genital cutting (FGC), a practice deeply rooted in cultural tradition with significant implications for women's health. From my experience working in Australia, it's evident that FGC, previously known as female genital mutilation (FGM), continues to be a concerning issue within certain immigrant communities. In this article, I'll provide insights into the prevalence, challenges, and medical and legal frameworks surrounding FGC in Australia.

What is Female Genital Cutting (FGC)? 

Female genital cutting refers to the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. This practice encompasses various forms, ranging from the removal of the clitoris to more extensive procedures such as infibulation. FGC is deeply entrenched in cultural and social norms, often perpetuated across generations despite its recognition as a human rights violation and a form of gender-based violence.

FGC in Australia: Understanding the Context 

In Australia, FGC primarily affects immigrant communities originating from countries where the practice is prevalent. While exact prevalence rates are difficult to ascertain due to underreporting, it is evident that FGC remains a significant concern within certain populations. Factors such as cultural beliefs, religious customs, and social pressures contribute to the persistence of FGC in these communities, highlighting the need for culturally sensitive approaches to address the issue.

Medical and Legal Frameworks for Addressing FGC in Australia 

In Australia and New Zealand, the practice of FGC is unlawful. Registered health professionals across all states and territories of Australia are legally mandated to report any risk or confirmation of FGC in minors to the appropriate authorities, such as Child Protection agencies. This obligation extends to situations where there is a likelihood that a child may be taken abroad to undergo FGC. 

Furthermore, healthcare providers must remain vigilant in identifying and responding to instances of FGC affecting adult women. Offering appropriate medical care, support, and referral to specialised services are crucial aspects of comprehensive management in these cases.

By ensuring compliance with these legal requirements and implementing evidence-based practices, healthcare professionals play a critical role in safeguarding the welfare and rights of individuals at risk of FGC. The reporting mechanisms established by law facilitate early intervention and support for affected individuals, thereby mitigating the potential harm associated with this harmful practice.

Types of Female Genital Cutting and Their Impact

Female genital cutting encompasses various types, each with distinct characteristics, reasons, and consequences. Understanding these types is crucial for comprehending the complexities surrounding this harmful practice.

  1. Type I (Clitoridectomy): Type I involves the partial or total removal of the clitoris and/or the prepuce (clitoral hood). This procedure is often performed without anaesthesia and can result in immediate complications such as severe pain, bleeding, and infections. Long-term consequences may include sexual dysfunction, reduced sexual pleasure, and psychological trauma. In some cultures, the removal of the clitoris is believed to control female sexuality and promote chastity.

  2. Type II (Excision): Type II entails the partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora. Similar to Type I, this procedure is associated with significant health risks, including pain, bleeding, infections, and obstetric complications. Women who undergo Type II FGC may experience long-term physical and psychological effects, including sexual dysfunction, scarring, and trauma. Excision is often justified based on cultural beliefs surrounding modesty, cleanliness, and marriageability.

  3. Type III (Infibulation): Type III, also known as infibulation, involves the narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal, formed by cutting and repositioning the labia minora and/or labia majora. This procedure results in significant pain, bleeding, and immediate complications. Long-term consequences include chronic pain, urinary problems, menstrual difficulties, and obstetric complications such as prolonged labour and fistula formation. Infibulation is often performed to control female sexuality, ensure virginity until marriage, and adhere to cultural ideals of purity and fidelity.

  4. Type IV: Type IV encompasses all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, such as pricking, piercing, incising, scraping, and cauterisation. While these practices may not involve the removal of tissue, they can still result in pain, bleeding, infections, and long-term health consequences. Type IV procedures are often performed as rites of passage or cultural traditions, perpetuating harmful gender norms and reinforcing social hierarchies.

Each type of FGC carries its own set of health risks and consequences, ranging from physical complications to psychological trauma. The reasons for practising FGC vary across cultures and communities, often rooted in social, cultural, and religious beliefs that prioritise control over female sexuality, adherence to tradition, and conformity to gender norms. Addressing the underlying drivers of FGC requires a multifaceted approach that includes education, community engagement, and advocacy for women's rights and bodily autonomy.

By raising awareness and understanding of the different types of FGC and their impact, we can work towards ending this harmful practice and promoting the health, dignity, and rights of all individuals affected by it.

The Influence of FGC on Pregnancy

Female Genital Cutting (FGC) can have significant implications for pregnancy and childbirth, posing challenges that require specialised care and support. Women who have undergone FGC may experience various obstetric complications, affecting both their physical and emotional well-being during pregnancy and childbirth. Understanding these challenges is crucial for ensuring safe and effective maternal care.

Considerations for Pregnant Women with FGC

  1. Deinfibulation: Deinfibulation may be recommended for women living with Type III FGC, particularly those experiencing health complications such as dysuria, recurrent UTIs, or dyspareunia. This surgical procedure helps widen the vaginal opening, potentially improving obstetric outcomes and reducing discomfort during childbirth. It's essential for pregnant women to discuss the potential benefits and risks of deinfibulation with their healthcare providers.

  2. Mental Health Support: Pregnancy can evoke complex emotions for women with FGC, necessitating mental health support and counselling. Healthcare providers can offer referrals to mental health services specialising in caring for women with FGC, helping them navigate their emotional well-being during pregnancy and beyond.

  3. Holistic Care: Holistic counselling plays a vital role in supporting pregnant women with FGC, taking into account their individual needs, cultural beliefs, and preferences. Open and honest discussions with healthcare providers can facilitate informed decision-making regarding pregnancy and childbirth, ensuring comprehensive care and support.

Challenges in Healthcare Delivery and Management of FGC Cases

Managing FGC cases presents numerous challenges for healthcare providers, including obstetric and gynaecological care, psychological support, and cultural competence. Complications during childbirth, such as obstructed labour and perineal tears, are common among women who have undergone FGC, necessitating specialised care and expertise. Additionally, addressing the psychological and emotional trauma associated with FGC requires sensitivity and understanding of cultural contexts.

Support Services and Interventions for Affected Individuals and Communities

Efforts to address FGC extend beyond medical care to encompass support services and interventions for affected individuals and communities. Community-based organisations, advocacy groups, and healthcare providers play a vital role in promoting awareness, providing support, and facilitating access to resources for individuals affected by FGC. Cultural competence and sensitivity are paramount in delivering effective interventions and supporting survivors on their journey towards healing and empowerment.

By recognising the unique challenges faced by pregnant women with FGC and providing appropriate support and care, healthcare providers can contribute to positive maternal health outcomes and the well-being of affected individuals and communities.

Future Directions and Challenges in Eliminating FGC 

While progress has been made in addressing FGC in Australia, significant challenges remain in eliminating this harmful practice. These challenges include cultural resistance, limited access to healthcare and support services, and gaps in policy implementation and enforcement. Moving forward, concerted efforts are needed to strengthen prevention strategies, enhance healthcare delivery, and foster community engagement to create a future where FGC is eradicated and the rights and well-being of all individuals are safeguarded.


The prevalence of female genital cutting in Australia underscores the urgent need for comprehensive and coordinated efforts to address the issue effectively. By adhering to legal obligations, implementing evidence-based practices, and fostering cultural sensitivity, healthcare professionals, policymakers, community leaders, and advocacy groups can collectively promote the health, dignity, and rights of individuals and communities affected by this harmful practice.


  • The exact prevalence of FGC in Australia is difficult to determine due to underreporting and the sensitive nature of the issue. However, it is recognised that FGC remains a concern within certain immigrant communities in Australia.

  • The health consequences of FGC can vary depending on the type and extent of the procedure. They may include immediate complications such as severe pain, bleeding, infections, and long-term consequences such as obstetric complications, sexual dysfunction, psychological trauma, and increased risk of maternal and neonatal mortality.

  • In Australia, the practice of female genital cutting is unlawful. Registered health professionals are legally mandated to report any risk or confirmation of FGC in minors to the appropriate authorities, such as Child Protection agencies. There are also laws prohibiting taking a child abroad to undergo FGC.

  • Healthcare professionals can support individuals affected by Female Genital Cutting (FGC) in several ways:

    1. Medical Care: Provide comprehensive obstetric and gynaecological care tailored to the specific needs of individuals who have undergone FGC. This may include addressing complications related to FGC, such as obstetric challenges during childbirth and long-term gynaecological issues.

    2. Psychological Support: Offer psychological support and counselling to address the emotional and mental health impact of FGC. This support can help individuals cope with trauma, anxiety, depression, and other psychological effects associated with the practice.

    3. Referral to Specialised Services: Refer individuals to specialised services and support groups that focus on addressing the unique needs of those affected by FGC. These services may include trauma-informed therapy, support groups, and advocacy organisations.

    4. Cultural Competence: Demonstrate cultural competence in delivering care by understanding and respecting the cultural beliefs, traditions, and sensitivities surrounding FGC. This involves creating a safe and non-judgmental environment for individuals to discuss their experiences and seek help.

    5. Education and Awareness: Raise awareness among healthcare professionals about the prevalence, health consequences, and cultural factors related to FGC. Education and training programmes can help healthcare providers develop the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective care and support to affected individuals.

    By adopting a holistic approach that addresses the medical, psychological, and cultural aspects of FGC, healthcare professionals can play a vital role in supporting individuals affected by this practice.

  • Various support services and interventions are available for individuals affected by FGC in Australia, including community-based organisations, advocacy groups, and healthcare providers. These organisations offer support, information, counselling, and access to resources for individuals impacted by FGC and their families.

  • Challenges in addressing FGC in Australia include cultural beliefs and practices, limited access to healthcare and support services, gaps in policy implementation and enforcement, and the need for culturally sensitive approaches to prevention and intervention.

  • FGC is often justified based on cultural, religious, and social beliefs, including notions of purity, modesty, and tradition. It may be seen as a rite of passage, a prerequisite for marriage, or a way to control female sexuality.

  • FGC is practised across various religious and cultural groups, including but not limited to Muslim, Christian, and indigenous communities. It is not exclusive to any one religion or culture.

  • FGC can have significant psychological effects, including trauma, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These effects can manifest both immediately after the procedure and persist long-term.

  • One common misconception is that FGC is solely a religious practice, when in reality it is deeply rooted in cultural traditions. Additionally, there is a misconception that FGC is a harmless procedure or that it has health benefits, which is not supported by evidence.

  • Individuals and communities can collaborate effectively to eliminate Female Genital Cutting (FGC) by engaging in various strategies aimed at raising awareness, promoting education, and fostering cultural change. Here's how they can work together:

    1. Education and Awareness: Providing comprehensive education about the physical and psychological effects of FGC is crucial. This includes teaching community members about the different types of FGC, its health risks, and its impact on individuals' well-being. Additionally, raising awareness about the legal and human rights implications of FGC can empower individuals to take action against the practice.

    2. Community Engagement: Engaging with community leaders, elders, and influencers is essential for challenging deep-rooted cultural beliefs and norms that perpetuate FGC. By involving these key stakeholders in discussions and initiatives aimed at ending FGC, communities can foster dialogue, promote understanding, and encourage positive social change.

    3. Advocacy and Policy Development: Advocating for policies and legislation that prohibit FGC and protect the rights of individuals at risk is essential. Individuals and communities can work together to lobby governments, advocate for legal reforms, and support initiatives that promote the abandonment of FGC.

    4. Access to Healthcare and Support Services: Ensuring access to healthcare and support services for individuals affected by FGC is critical. By providing culturally sensitive and trauma-informed care, healthcare providers can support survivors' physical and emotional well-being. Community-based organisations and advocacy groups can also offer vital support, including counselling, referrals, and peer support networks.

    5. Celebrating Cultural Practices: Promoting alternative cultural practices that celebrate women and girls without resorting to harmful traditions like FGC is essential. By highlighting positive aspects of cultural identity and heritage, communities can foster a sense of pride and belonging that does not rely on harmful practices.

    By working together through these collaborative efforts, individuals and communities can contribute to the eradication of FGC and promote the health, dignity, and rights of all individuals affected by this harmful practice.

  • Healthcare professionals play a critical role in preventing, identifying, and managing cases of FGC. This includes providing medical care, counselling, and support to individuals affected by FGC, as well as advocating for policies and practices that promote the rights and well-being of women and girls.

Additional Resources

  1. Podcast Episode with Dr. Greg Jenkins: Gain further insights into the topic of female genital cutting by listening to this podcast episode featuring Dr. Greg Jenkins. Dr. Jenkins sheds light on the challenges and advancements in managing FGC cases in Australia.

  2. RANZCOG Guidelines on FGC (PDF): Access the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) guidelines on female genital cutting. These guidelines provide valuable information and recommendations for healthcare professionals involved in the care of individuals affected by FGC, offering insights into best practices and approaches to addressing this complex issue.

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Embark on your pregnancy journey with confidence under the guidance of Dr. Greg Jenkins, a distinguished expert and head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department at Westmead Public Hospital. Dr. Jenkins brings extensive expertise in fertility and obstetrics, ensuring that you receive comprehensive care from the early stages of family planning to the joyous moment of delivery.

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Dr Greg Jenkins

Specialist in Fertility, Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Westmead Public Hospital.
Clinical Assoc Professor O&G, UNDA.

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