Travel During Pregnancy
Many women either choose to travel or need to travel during the course of their pregnancy. We have outlined below a few general points about travel in pregnancy. Please note that this advice is of a general nature only and applies to uncomplicated single pregnancies. In general terms if you are considering taking a vacation before baby arrives, the early second trimester (say 15-25 weeks) is a good time to travel. It is usually a time during pregnancy when you will be feeling really good.
Other travel issues
Eating and drinking
The same recommendations apply when travelling as at other times in pregnancy. Vomiting and diarrhoea type illnesses can be quite common whilst travelling and generally do not pose any significant risk to the health of your pregnancy. The best advice is to ensure adequate hydration and maintain a fairly bland diet until the symptoms resolve. If you reach a point where you are unable to keep fluids down you will need to seek medical advice as you may be at risk of dehydration.
Anti-diarrhoeal medications (such as Imodium) can be safely used in pregnancy if necessary.
Body scanners
Body scanners do not pose any risk during pregnancy.
Travel insurance
You should ensure that you have travel insurance cover that is appropriate for your stage of pregnancy. This can be particularly important if you are travelling after 24 weeks gestation.
There are a number of vaccinations which are not recommended in pregnancy. If you are going to an area where vaccination is required, weI suggest that you seek specific advice.
What to do in case of a problem whilst away
Always travel with your antenatal card (record) just in case of a problem. All the information that would be required if there were an unexpected event is contained here. Our contact details are also on the card, so if you not sure what you can contact us.
Please note that all the above advice is of a general nature only and you should seek specific advice regarding the circumstances of your pregnancy.